Step 1. Confidentially Reporting the Violation

Secure communication and protecting your identity is our key focus.  Our system is encrypted by SSL (secured sockets layer) for your safety, and we recommend you implementing our suggestions to futher protect your identity as you reach out to let us know what kind of fraud you have observed....


Registration costs $50, and with that registration you will receive access to the full SOS site, along with receiving an overview pamphlet for the School of Success and the school's core booklet, "The Law of Success" by P. Yogananda.  These items will be mailed to your home shortly after your registration is complete.  It is important you read this book, as it is a fundamental requisite and tool towards assisting you in developing the right mindset, will power and insights required to create your ideal life path.


The LinkedIn Profile

It is important you give good thought to the words and expressions you use to describe yourself on this basic template which will serve as the first resume for your life.  While the document may initially seem insignificant, do not underestimate its importance.  For many interactions, this document will serve as the only interface between you and those who are looking for skilled, smart people to connect with in their lives. Every word should be thoughtfully convey on that document, serving to reflect you in the most authentic and professional manner. You will find this document to be an ever-living and evolving snapshot of the experiences and lessons you develop in your life.  

Each time you complete one of the Career Lessons within the School of Success, an SOS Badge will be noted within that Profile - and a number will be seen next to your photograph indicating the number of Career Lessons you have completed.  A student with 1 next to their name will have completed 1 course, and likewise, a student with the nubmer 32 next to their name will have completed 32.  Today, a degree from the course requires students to complete 30 career lessons across the program.  


Introductory Summary

After Registration, the Introductory Summary is a 8 question survey that will hopefully serve as a tool for introspection for you, as well as a reference point for you to look back upon to see how the experience of earning this Degree has effected your own perceptions regarding the kind of career  you one day would like to have.  Give each step of this process considerable thought, and ensure you make an effort to write clearly and authentically as you convey your answers throughout your experience in the course. 
