Corporate Fraud Rewards

Corporate fraud does not fall under the "False Claims Act"; however, other avenues exist that OffRecord will utilize, for example, a shareholder's derivative suit, a Dodd Frank SEC suit, or other related whistleblower reward channels. OffRecord will use its best efforts to maximize your reward and ensure that it is processed appropriately. There is tremendous fraud in these arenas that needs to be righted for the benefit of American shareholders and employees at large. All acts to right wrongs, are important, no matter how large or small.

Billions of dollars are stolen every year through dishonest actions by companies or their employees, either stealing from the company itself or from shareholders and consumers at large. OffRecord can enable you to confidentially and securely evaluate your claim and see if it is worthy of pursuing further. If OffRecord views the evidence you provide sufficient to warrant reporting, we will create a contract between the two of us to expedite the process of securing your reward and ending the crime. As with all claims, no promises can be made that any reward will be paid; but OffRecord's and your interests will be 100% aligned, and we will seek the most appropriate reward achievable to bring this to a fruitful conclusion.

Types of Corporate Fraud 

Corporate fraud can occur in many different ways and can be noticed by the most unsuspecting individuals.  Some examples, but not a fully comprehensive list, include: 

  • Corporate Theft & Embezzlement - management, employees or suppliers can take monies, supplies or products in an effort to reward themselves dishonestly.
  • Misuse of Company Resources - using facilities, assets, travel expenses and resources in ways that are neither approved nor appropriate use of shareholder invested assets. 
  • Not Disclosing Conficts of Interests - not making it clear to the board or organization that suppliers, service providers or other monetary/resource exchanging business partners represent relationships that may undermine the integrity of or may not be in the best interests of the shareholders and corporation.  For example, relationships with family members or other related individuals where business exchanges are not appropriately structured which may cost the company unreasonable amounts of money or value.   
  • Misguidance of Customer/Consumer - intentional or negligent misguidance, through advertising, contract or presentation.  If previous intent to falsely mislead can be proven with clear evidence, these types of cases can bring about the fastest resolution or settlements.  
  • False Promises in a Contract.  If a known intent is made to make promises without a sincere intent to follow through on a contract, fraud has occurred.  Proof of such a planned intent, or the desire to simply agree to a lower price to win the contract now and  "upsell" later is dishonest and is fraud. Executives who make intentional false promises or "negligent" statements can be held accountable for misleading business partners or customers. 
  • Omissions - Executives who willfully omit information, particularly if it is critical to understanding the full context of a commitment, agreement or contract, can be prosecuted for fraud.
  • Insurance fraud - companies and employees can use insurance as a dishonest tool in which to reward the company or themselves with policies whose programs are designed to protect organizations in very specific circumstances.  Using these policies dishonestly to unfairly reward companies and individuals is fraud, and if proven, can be corrected and rewarded effectively.  
  • Breach of Contract - when an agreement is made and accepted by both parties either verbally, in writing or by partial performance, a contract is established based upon a mutual exchange of promises between the two, and is enforceable by law. If it can be proven that the corporation, supplier or other entity willfully or negligently refused to follow through on their commitments, that individual or entity can be held accountable.
  • Losses Due to Mismanagement.  It is important that leaders in companies exercise sound judgement when responsible with critical and valuable resources of their companies.  Negligence or intentional misuse should be held accountable.  
  • Losses Due to Lack of Loyalty.  Executives and board members can be held accountable by law for not keeping the shareholders' interests their foremost priority - certainly before the interests of themselves. They are obviously not allowed to involve themselves in businesses that compete with the business they are responsible for directing and making successful, or directing customers to organizations that might undermine the value of the company in which they work.


Be Rewarded for Stopping Corporate Fraud

Stopping fraud and abuse in corporate America is everyone's responsibility. Only when people can trust the leaders of our corporations can we continue to expect people of the world to invest in our public companies, desire to be shareholders and invest their savings further in America's economy and best companies.  By playing a part in holding our executives and leaders accountable for serving shareholders responsibly, you are helping to make our country strong and worthy of further investment for future generations, improving the quality of life across our country for everyone. If you have knowledge of deception by a CEO, an executive, lawyer, accountant, channel partner, supplier, banker, stock analyst or other corporate constituency - perhaps even you yourself have been pressured into buying products from a supplier at higher prices because they have a family relationship with an executive of the company, pitched false value propositions to customers based upon fabricated research data, or seen company resources utilized frivolously for personal purposes rather than driving value to entrusting shareholders of the company - then your desire to correct these mistakes and do the right thing to fix these crimes can be rewarded.

Speak to someone with OffRecord to assess the merits of your claim and see if they are the right partner to help protect our public markets and engender further trust from global citizens which makes our nation healthier for everyone.  Most importantly, see if we can be the right partner to help protect your identity and career while changing behaviors that hurt our country so as to reward those that have the personal courage to resist these social pressures and make a difference. For every dollar you save your corporation, the Dodd-Frank Act requires that the judge award 15% to 30% of that savings in a reward.  In some cases there are maximum time frames for which an SEC or related fraud violation can be reported; therefore, it is important for you to take action sooner rather than later.  We suggest you reach out and confidentially share your case with us, creating no obligation to work with OffRecord until and only if, you choose to do so.