APTx Vehicle Systems Ltd, a British Contractor to the US Government, has plead guilty of defrauding the US Government through work it was accomplishing in the Iraqi reconstruction. As a part of that plea APTx has agreed to pay a settlement in association with the False Claims Act of $1M filed in Massachusetts Court.
In 2004, APTx mislead the US Government on an $8.4M contract for 51 vehicles that it was providing to the Iraqi police which it convertly subcontracted to another contractor for $5.7M. During the assessment and winning of the contract, APTx had claimed that the vehicles already manufactured by APTx, owned by APTx, and ready for shipment to the Iraqi Police, when in fact, none of these claims were true. Added to this, APTx also created a fictious shipping agent in order to mislead the contracting agents to believe the vehicles were enroute to their destination.
Associated with this contractor work on the reconstruction of Iraq, the Alchemie Group Limited of the UK was also found guilty of a crime in association with the False Claims act and ordered to pay the US Government $2M in retribution for improperly gained government monies. Alchemie Group was retained by APTx to manage the transportation of the vehicles to Iraq and the whistleblower who reported this fraud through the whistleblower channels has been awarded $540,000 as his portion of the settlement and assisting the Government in returning its funds.